MANILA, Philippines―Repeat after me:
"Beginning today, I will pay more attention to my well-being."
Almost 100 percent of the time, if you will recite this mantra, subtle changes will begin to happen to you in body, mind, heart and spirit.
Who's making you sick?
It is easy to point an accusing finger at that luscious cheesecake or your uninspiring gym trainer or your workload in the office.
But, truth is, everything―and that means your time, effort or dedication―are all under your own control.
Points to ponder
1. Each time you postpone a trip to the gym or put off your exercise, you are allowing your body to slow down and age faster.
2. Every day you delay your workout, your metabolism slows down.
3. Every extra serving of gravy or cream or dessert you take adds inches to your waistline. So do not be surprised if you cannot zip up your favorite pair of jeans.
4. Mornings that begin with a complaint only attract more situations for you to complain about. This is a truth you must respect as gospel.
5. Skipping meals will only wreak havoc on your blood sugar. One of the secrets to good health is a steady blood sugar level.
6. Adding more and more processed food to your meal means more chemicals pumped into your bloodstream.
7. A heavy heart weighed down by hatred can only have room for more hatred―not peace of heart. What occupies your heart becomes its regular fare. It is what your heart feeds on.
8. The grab-what-you-can approach to eating is called the fast-food mentality. With no idea about what is good for your body, you simply eat what is available or within easy reach.
9. Talking nonsense to yourself is counter-productive. Replaying in your mind traumatic experiences in your life will only depress you further and cause you to be ill. In fact, talking about pain and grievances will create a huge ball of energy around you―one that is destructive.
Inspire yourself
1. If you think you are less than what you believe you can be, think again. People with a poor self-image cause their own miseries. Sure, not everyone can boast of a perfect childhood. But you are not a child anymore. So, get over it and start living.
2. Seek therapy if necessary.
3. If your self-confidence is low, enroll in a personality development course. Talk to your parish priest or pastor for guidance. Consult a parent or big brother/sister, or best friend for support.
4. Ask a nutritionist to design a health plan for you.
5. Go to a bookstore and spend the day reading self-help books.
6. Learn to laugh. When you lighten up, your world becomes brighter.
7. Make it a habit to take multivitamins after your heaviest meals. They will help keep you feeling better.
8. Learn to march to a mission of your own―a personal mission to rebuild your health, renew your heart and revise your spirit. All you need is to say to yourself: "I can and I will."
Love and light!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A first-grade teacher, Ms Neelam was having trouble with one of her
students the teacher asked,"Boy, what is your problem?"
Boy answered, "I'm too smart for the first-grade. My sister is in the
third-grade and I'm smarter than she is! I
think I should be in the third-grade too!"
Ms. Neelam had enough. She took Boy to the principal's office.
While Boy waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the
principal what the situation was.
The principal told Ms Neelam he would give the boy a test and if he
to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the first-grade and
behave. She agreed.
Boy was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he
to take the test.
Principal: "What is 3 x 3?"
Boy: "9".
Principal: "What is 6 x 6?"
Boy: "36".
And so it went with every question the principal thought a third-grade
should know. The principal looks at Ms. Neelam and tells her, "I think
can go to the third-grade."
Ms. Neelam says to the principal, "I have some of my own questions.
Can I ask him ?" The principal and Boy both agree.
Ms. Neelam asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?
Boy, after a moment "Legs."
Ms. Neelam: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"
Boy: "Pockets."
Ms. Neelam: What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval,
delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?
Boy: Coconut
Ms. Neelam: What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?
The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the
Boy was taking charge.
Boy: Bubblegum
Ms. Neelam: What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down
and a
dog does on three legs?
The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the
Boy: Shake hands
Ms. Neelam: Now I will ask some "Who am I" sort of questions, okay?
Boy: Yep.
Ms. Neelam: You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me
up. I
get wet before you do.
Boy: Tent
Ms. Neelam: A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored.
best man always has me first..
The Principal was looking restless, a bit tense and took one large
Vodka peg.
Boy: Wedding Ring
Ms. Neelam: I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you
me, you feel good.
Boy: Nose
Ms. Neelam: I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a
Boy: Arrow
Ms. Neelam: What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' that means lot
heat and excitement?
Boy: Firetruck
Ms. Neelam: What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' & if u dont get
u have to use ur hand.
Boy: Fork
Ms. Neelam: What is it that all men have one of it's longer on some men
than on others, the pope doesn't use his
and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?
Ms. Neelam: What part of the man has no bone but has muscles, has lots
veins, like pumping, & is responsible for making love ?
The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher, "Send
Boy to the University, I got the last TEN QUESTIONS wrong myself!"
A first-grade teacher, Ms Neelam was having trouble with one of her
students the teacher asked,"Boy, what is your problem?"
Boy answered, "I'm too smart for the first-grade. My sister is in the
third-grade and I'm smarter than she is! I
think I should be in the third-grade too!"
Ms. Neelam had enough. She took Boy to the principal's office.
While Boy waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the
principal what the situation was.
The principal told Ms Neelam he would give the boy a test and if he
to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the first-grade and
behave. She agreed.
Boy was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he
to take the test.
Principal: "What is 3 x 3?"
Boy: "9".
Principal: "What is 6 x 6?"
Boy: "36".
And so it went with every question the principal thought a third-grade
should know. The principal looks at Ms. Neelam and tells her, "I think
can go to the third-grade."
Ms. Neelam says to the principal, "I have some of my own questions.
Can I ask him ?" The principal and Boy both agree.
Ms. Neelam asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?
Boy, after a moment "Legs."
Ms. Neelam: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"
Boy: "Pockets."
Ms. Neelam: What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval,
delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?
Boy: Coconut
Ms. Neelam: What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?
The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the
Boy was taking charge.
Boy: Bubblegum
Ms. Neelam: What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down
and a
dog does on three legs?
The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the
Boy: Shake hands
Ms. Neelam: Now I will ask some "Who am I" sort of questions, okay?
Boy: Yep.
Ms. Neelam: You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me
up. I
get wet before you do.
Boy: Tent
Ms. Neelam: A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored.
best man always has me first..
The Principal was looking restless, a bit tense and took one large
Vodka peg.
Boy: Wedding Ring
Ms. Neelam: I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you
me, you feel good.
Boy: Nose
Ms. Neelam: I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a
Boy: Arrow
Ms. Neelam: What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' that means lot
heat and excitement?
Boy: Firetruck
Ms. Neelam: What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' & if u dont get
u have to use ur hand.
Boy: Fork
Ms. Neelam: What is it that all men have one of it's longer on some men
than on others, the pope doesn't use his
and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?
Ms. Neelam: What part of the man has no bone but has muscles, has lots
veins, like pumping, & is responsible for making love ?
The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher, "Send
Boy to the University, I got the last TEN QUESTIONS wrong myself!"
( a poem sent to me by chy)
When I was little,
I used to believe in the concept of one best friend,
And then I started to become a woman..
And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up,
God would show you the best in many friends.
One friend is needed when you're going through things with your man.
Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your mom.
Another will sit beside you in the bleachers as you delight in your children and their activities.
Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.
One friend will say, 'Let's cry together,'
Another , 'Let's fight together,'
Another , 'Let's walk away together.'
One friend will meet your spiritual need,
Another your shoe fetish,
Another your love for movies,
Another will be with you in your season of confusion,
Another will be your clarifier,
Another the wind beneath your wings.
But whatever their assignment in your life,
On whatever the occasion,
On whatever the day,
Or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair pulled back,
Or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself ..
Those are your best friends.
It may all be wrapped up in one woman, But for many, it's wrapped up in several..
One from 7th grade,
One from high school,
Several from the college years,
a couple from old jobs,
On some days your mother,
On some days your neighbour,
On others, your sisters,
And on some days, your daughters.
So whether they've been your friend for 20 minutes or 20 years,
Pass this on to the women that God has placed in your life
To make a difference.
When I was little,
I used to believe in the concept of one best friend,
And then I started to become a woman..
And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up,
God would show you the best in many friends.
One friend is needed when you're going through things with your man.
Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your mom.
Another will sit beside you in the bleachers as you delight in your children and their activities.
Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.
One friend will say, 'Let's cry together,'
Another , 'Let's fight together,'
Another , 'Let's walk away together.'
One friend will meet your spiritual need,
Another your shoe fetish,
Another your love for movies,
Another will be with you in your season of confusion,
Another will be your clarifier,
Another the wind beneath your wings.
But whatever their assignment in your life,
On whatever the occasion,
On whatever the day,
Or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair pulled back,
Or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself ..
Those are your best friends.
It may all be wrapped up in one woman, But for many, it's wrapped up in several..
One from 7th grade,
One from high school,
Several from the college years,
a couple from old jobs,
On some days your mother,
On some days your neighbour,
On others, your sisters,
And on some days, your daughters.
So whether they've been your friend for 20 minutes or 20 years,
Pass this on to the women that God has placed in your life
To make a difference.
How a 7 year old boy explained sex (^_^)
( this article was sent to me by my workmate through email)
Little Johnny was 7 years old and like other boys his age rather curious. He had been hearing quite a bit about 'making out' from the older boys, and he wondered what it was and how it was done.
One day he took his question to his mother, who became rather flustered. Instead of explaining things to Johnny, she told him to hide behind the curtains one night and watch his older sister and her boyfriend.
This he did. The following morning, Johnny described EVERYTHING to his mother.
"Sis and her boyfriend sat and talked for a while, then he turned off most of the lights. Then he started kissing and hugging her. I figured 'Sis must be getting sick, because her face started looking funny.
He must have thought so too, because he put his hand inside her blouse to feel her heart, just the way the doctor would. Except he's not as smart as the doctor because he seemed to have trouble finding her heart. I guess he was getting sick too, because pretty soon both of them started panting and getting all out of breath.
His other hand must have been cold because he put it under her skirt. About this time 'Sis got worse and began to moan and sigh and squirm around and slide down toward the end of the couch. This was when her fever started. I knew it was a fever, because Sis told him she felt really hot.
Finally, I found out what was making them so sick......-a big eel; had gotten inside his pants somehow. It just jumped out of his pants and stood there, about 10 inches long, honest, anyway he grabbed it in one hand to keep it from getting away.
When Sis saw it, she got really scared-her eyes got big, and her mouth fell open, and she started calling out to God and stuff like that. She said it was the biggest one she's ever seen; I should tell her about the ones down at the lake by our house!
Anyway, Sis got brave and tried to kill the eel by biting its head off. All of a sudden she grabbed it with both hands and held it tight while he took a muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it over the eel's head to keep it from biting again.
Sis lay back and spread her legs so she could get a scissor-lock on it and he helped by lying on top of the eel. The eel put up a hell of a fight.
Sis started groaning and squealing and her boyfriend almost upset the couch. I guess they wanted to kill the eel by squashing it between them.
After a while they both quit moving and gave a great sigh. Her boyfriend got up, and sure enough, they killed the eel. I knew because it just hung there, limp, and some of its insides were hanging out.
Sis and her boyfriend were a little tired from the battle, but they went back to courting anyway. He started hugging and kissing her again. By golly, the eel wasn't dead! It jumped straight up and started to fight again.
I guess eels are like cats- they have nine lives or something. This time, Sis jumped up and tried to kill it by sitting on it. After about a 35 minute struggle, they finally killed the eel. I knew it was dead, because I saw Sis's boyfriend peel its skin off and flush it down the toilet.
Now that you've read it, post it and have goodluck in ur luvlyf.. forever...Ignore it, and U will have a bad sex life!!!
Little Johnny was 7 years old and like other boys his age rather curious. He had been hearing quite a bit about 'making out' from the older boys, and he wondered what it was and how it was done.
One day he took his question to his mother, who became rather flustered. Instead of explaining things to Johnny, she told him to hide behind the curtains one night and watch his older sister and her boyfriend.
This he did. The following morning, Johnny described EVERYTHING to his mother.
"Sis and her boyfriend sat and talked for a while, then he turned off most of the lights. Then he started kissing and hugging her. I figured 'Sis must be getting sick, because her face started looking funny.
He must have thought so too, because he put his hand inside her blouse to feel her heart, just the way the doctor would. Except he's not as smart as the doctor because he seemed to have trouble finding her heart. I guess he was getting sick too, because pretty soon both of them started panting and getting all out of breath.
His other hand must have been cold because he put it under her skirt. About this time 'Sis got worse and began to moan and sigh and squirm around and slide down toward the end of the couch. This was when her fever started. I knew it was a fever, because Sis told him she felt really hot.
Finally, I found out what was making them so sick......-a big eel; had gotten inside his pants somehow. It just jumped out of his pants and stood there, about 10 inches long, honest, anyway he grabbed it in one hand to keep it from getting away.
When Sis saw it, she got really scared-her eyes got big, and her mouth fell open, and she started calling out to God and stuff like that. She said it was the biggest one she's ever seen; I should tell her about the ones down at the lake by our house!
Anyway, Sis got brave and tried to kill the eel by biting its head off. All of a sudden she grabbed it with both hands and held it tight while he took a muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it over the eel's head to keep it from biting again.
Sis lay back and spread her legs so she could get a scissor-lock on it and he helped by lying on top of the eel. The eel put up a hell of a fight.
Sis started groaning and squealing and her boyfriend almost upset the couch. I guess they wanted to kill the eel by squashing it between them.
After a while they both quit moving and gave a great sigh. Her boyfriend got up, and sure enough, they killed the eel. I knew because it just hung there, limp, and some of its insides were hanging out.
Sis and her boyfriend were a little tired from the battle, but they went back to courting anyway. He started hugging and kissing her again. By golly, the eel wasn't dead! It jumped straight up and started to fight again.
I guess eels are like cats- they have nine lives or something. This time, Sis jumped up and tried to kill it by sitting on it. After about a 35 minute struggle, they finally killed the eel. I knew it was dead, because I saw Sis's boyfriend peel its skin off and flush it down the toilet.
Now that you've read it, post it and have goodluck in ur luvlyf.. forever...Ignore it, and U will have a bad sex life!!!
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