Thursday, September 18, 2008

I, the moaning agent

being in a call center industry, it is our job to sound perky in our calls. I started as a senior representative last april 2007. the job opened alot of opportunities for me to discover talents i have never imagined i have. the first time i was able to listen my voice on a recorded conversation was so gawky. i have a different quality of voice; it's darker than a regular female's voice. it's not modulated, totally far form how i talk with my customers on the phone now.

on my third month, due to some uncontrollable factors, there are times that my calls are long. it's a no-no in our metrics, because that will affect my aht (average handling time). we are only allowed 10 minutes to finish the call to accomodate great number of customers per day. and some of my calls are beyond 10 minutes; our tier 2 people has to listen to us to know what's goin on and to help us solve the problem if it's a complicated issue. and as they listened my talent was unravelled gradually from one tier 2 agent to another.

what talent am talking about? i don't care if its a heck in your ass, but they have found out that i sound so sexy on the phone. i was not so sure how they classified voices but most of the people whom have listened to me would tag me as the "MOANING AGENT". i'm confuse. how would i react? shall i take it as a compliment or a negation? what is sexy and what is not? do i really sound like im moaning on the phone? i have listened to alot of people on the floor and how they talk to their customers is nonetheless the same as how i handle the call everyday.

in one way or another, sexiness in a voice is an ingredient to a very good conversation. but it's not equally important as how did you go about making the caller feel good about the conversation. it's a superficial thing, as a customer service provider, "experience" is most important. because moaning the doesn't help settling the customer's issue but in understanding the situation and by giving a perfect resolution to it.

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