Wednesday, December 31, 2008

INSIDE OUT: Wellness begins today...........


MANILA, Philippines―Repeat after me:

"Beginning today, I will pay more attention to my well-being."

Almost 100 percent of the time, if you will recite this mantra, subtle changes will begin to happen to you in body, mind, heart and spirit.

Who's making you sick?

It is easy to point an accusing finger at that luscious cheesecake or your uninspiring gym trainer or your workload in the office.

But, truth is, everything―and that means your time, effort or dedication―are all under your own control.

Points to ponder

1. Each time you postpone a trip to the gym or put off your exercise, you are allowing your body to slow down and age faster.

2. Every day you delay your workout, your metabolism slows down.

3. Every extra serving of gravy or cream or dessert you take adds inches to your waistline. So do not be surprised if you cannot zip up your favorite pair of jeans.

4. Mornings that begin with a complaint only attract more situations for you to complain about. This is a truth you must respect as gospel.

5. Skipping meals will only wreak havoc on your blood sugar. One of the secrets to good health is a steady blood sugar level.

6. Adding more and more processed food to your meal means more chemicals pumped into your bloodstream.

7. A heavy heart weighed down by hatred can only have room for more hatred―not peace of heart. What occupies your heart becomes its regular fare. It is what your heart feeds on.

8. The grab-what-you-can approach to eating is called the fast-food mentality. With no idea about what is good for your body, you simply eat what is available or within easy reach.

9. Talking nonsense to yourself is counter-productive. Replaying in your mind traumatic experiences in your life will only depress you further and cause you to be ill. In fact, talking about pain and grievances will create a huge ball of energy around you―one that is destructive.

Inspire yourself

1. If you think you are less than what you believe you can be, think again. People with a poor self-image cause their own miseries. Sure, not everyone can boast of a perfect childhood. But you are not a child anymore. So, get over it and start living.

2. Seek therapy if necessary.

3. If your self-confidence is low, enroll in a personality development course. Talk to your parish priest or pastor for guidance. Consult a parent or big brother/sister, or best friend for support.

4. Ask a nutritionist to design a health plan for you.

5. Go to a bookstore and spend the day reading self-help books.

6. Learn to laugh. When you lighten up, your world becomes brighter.

7. Make it a habit to take multivitamins after your heaviest meals. They will help keep you feeling better.

8. Learn to march to a mission of your own―a personal mission to rebuild your health, renew your heart and revise your spirit. All you need is to say to yourself: "I can and I will."

Love and light!



A first-grade teacher, Ms Neelam was having trouble with one of her
students the teacher asked,"Boy, what is your problem?"

Boy answered, "I'm too smart for the first-grade. My sister is in the
third-grade and I'm smarter than she is! I
think I should be in the third-grade too!"

Ms. Neelam had enough. She took Boy to the principal's office.
While Boy waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the
principal what the situation was.

The principal told Ms Neelam he would give the boy a test and if he
to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the first-grade and
behave. She agreed.

Boy was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he
to take the test.

Principal: "What is 3 x 3?"

Boy: "9".

Principal: "What is 6 x 6?"

Boy: "36".

And so it went with every question the principal thought a third-grade
should know. The principal looks at Ms. Neelam and tells her, "I think
can go to the third-grade."

Ms. Neelam says to the principal, "I have some of my own questions.

Can I ask him ?" The principal and Boy both agree.

Ms. Neelam asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?

Boy, after a moment "Legs."

Ms. Neelam: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"

Boy: "Pockets."

Ms. Neelam: What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval,
delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?

Boy: Coconut

Ms. Neelam: What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?

The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the
Boy was taking charge.

Boy: Bubblegum

Ms. Neelam: What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down
and a
dog does on three legs?

The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the

Boy: Shake hands

Ms. Neelam: Now I will ask some "Who am I" sort of questions, okay?

Boy: Yep.

Ms. Neelam: You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me
up. I
get wet before you do.

Boy: Tent

Ms. Neelam: A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored.
best man always has me first..

The Principal was looking restless, a bit tense and took one large
Vodka peg.

Boy: Wedding Ring

Ms. Neelam: I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you
me, you feel good.

Boy: Nose

Ms. Neelam: I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a

Boy: Arrow

Ms. Neelam: What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' that means lot
heat and excitement?

Boy: Firetruck

Ms. Neelam: What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' & if u dont get
u have to use ur hand.

Boy: Fork

Ms. Neelam: What is it that all men have one of it's longer on some men
than on others, the pope doesn't use his
and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?


Ms. Neelam: What part of the man has no bone but has muscles, has lots
veins, like pumping, & is responsible for making love ?


The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher, "Send
Boy to the University, I got the last TEN QUESTIONS wrong myself!"


( a poem sent to me by chy)

When I was little,
I used to believe in the concept of one best friend,
And then I started to become a woman..
And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up,
God would show you the best in many friends.
One friend is needed when you're going through things with your man.
Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your mom.
Another will sit beside you in the bleachers as you delight in your children and their activities.
Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.
One friend will say, 'Let's cry together,'
Another , 'Let's fight together,'
Another , 'Let's walk away together.'
One friend will meet your spiritual need,
Another your shoe fetish,
Another your love for movies,
Another will be with you in your season of confusion,
Another will be your clarifier,
Another the wind beneath your wings.
But whatever their assignment in your life,
On whatever the occasion,
On whatever the day,
Or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair pulled back,
Or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself ..
Those are your best friends.
It may all be wrapped up in one woman, But for many, it's wrapped up in several..
One from 7th grade,
One from high school,
Several from the college years,
a couple from old jobs,
On some days your mother,
On some days your neighbour,
On others, your sisters,
And on some days, your daughters.

So whether they've been your friend for 20 minutes or 20 years,
Pass this on to the women that God has placed in your life
To make a difference.

How a 7 year old boy explained sex (^_^)

( this article was sent to me by my workmate through email)

Little Johnny was 7 years old and like other boys his age rather curious. He had been hearing quite a bit about 'making out' from the older boys, and he wondered what it was and how it was done.

One day he took his question to his mother, who became rather flustered. Instead of explaining things to Johnny, she told him to hide behind the curtains one night and watch his older sister and her boyfriend.

This he did. The following morning, Johnny described EVERYTHING to his mother.

"Sis and her boyfriend sat and talked for a while, then he turned off most of the lights. Then he started kissing and hugging her. I figured 'Sis must be getting sick, because her face started looking funny.

He must have thought so too, because he put his hand inside her blouse to feel her heart, just the way the doctor would. Except he's not as smart as the doctor because he seemed to have trouble finding her heart. I guess he was getting sick too, because pretty soon both of them started panting and getting all out of breath.

His other hand must have been cold because he put it under her skirt. About this time 'Sis got worse and began to moan and sigh and squirm around and slide down toward the end of the couch. This was when her fever started. I knew it was a fever, because Sis told him she felt really hot.

Finally, I found out what was making them so sick......-a big eel; had gotten inside his pants somehow. It just jumped out of his pants and stood there, about 10 inches long, honest, anyway he grabbed it in one hand to keep it from getting away.

When Sis saw it, she got really scared-her eyes got big, and her mouth fell open, and she started calling out to God and stuff like that. She said it was the biggest one she's ever seen; I should tell her about the ones down at the lake by our house!

Anyway, Sis got brave and tried to kill the eel by biting its head off. All of a sudden she grabbed it with both hands and held it tight while he took a muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it over the eel's head to keep it from biting again.

Sis lay back and spread her legs so she could get a scissor-lock on it and he helped by lying on top of the eel. The eel put up a hell of a fight.

Sis started groaning and squealing and her boyfriend almost upset the couch. I guess they wanted to kill the eel by squashing it between them.

After a while they both quit moving and gave a great sigh. Her boyfriend got up, and sure enough, they killed the eel. I knew because it just hung there, limp, and some of its insides were hanging out.

Sis and her boyfriend were a little tired from the battle, but they went back to courting anyway. He started hugging and kissing her again. By golly, the eel wasn't dead! It jumped straight up and started to fight again.

I guess eels are like cats- they have nine lives or something. This time, Sis jumped up and tried to kill it by sitting on it. After about a 35 minute struggle, they finally killed the eel. I knew it was dead, because I saw Sis's boyfriend peel its skin off and flush it down the toilet.

Now that you've read it, post it and have goodluck in ur luvlyf.. forever...Ignore it, and U will have a bad sex life!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

incentive will never has to come......

i logged in today on my pc, but was to log out immediately because it happened to be my Vacation Leave. i forgot to retract my leave. well, it's my responsibility toc heck about my leaves and absences. since i cannot retract it anymore, facing my compiter with nothing to do is so boring.. i keep thinking of the payday that will be in less than 3 days. then pondered on the incentive that i will be getiing for this month and for next. i was stunned, realizing that i might not be able to pass the target for this month. i head on my supervisor's station and grab my daily tracker. i am now running 36% for the month and it's way 3% lower to our target. and then add my 2 days production stats, i only landed at 37.37 percent. it will not actually came out to be like this if i did good on my stats last week. that was the lowest peak for the month with only 25% week-ending stats. i manage to make it this week with 47% on the my first day and 50% on the second day.. i was hoping to makeit big today but was disheartened becuase i will only be working for 2 days... and my stats could not even pull up the 36% to 39%, which is the target.
and the ending, i will not recieve any incentive on december. lesson learned... always check approved leaves and never assume if you pass today you will pass for the whole month, always think back on yesterday... today might not be able to coverup yesterday.. and most importantly think positive.....

Husband Store

Just read the whole thing and tell me what you say.............

I personally disagree to this email message given to me by a supervisor. It's bias. The woman in this message was just wise enough to choose a husband. The men being sold did not actually try to please the woman, they just waited top be bought. It was just practical for the woman to check everything and shop around first before she finally buy a husband.. It was just a natural thing to do for a wise buyer.... and if men will go to a wife store, there's no doubt men will do the same. men and woman are totally different beings and have different thoughts and veiws regarding almost all things. but they have one common view as per marriage is concern, that is to find the perfect wife or perfect husband. marriage is not as simple as buying a dress; when if it doesn't fit, u can return it to the store that easy. don't be in a hurry in picking a husband. take each one at a time to know the person well, and don't forget there are still other floors to check, maybe the next floor have the perfect guy in store for you. BE A WISE BUYER!!!


A store that sells husbands has just opened where a woman may go to
choose a husband from among many men...

The store is composed of 6 floors, and the men increase in positive
attributes as the shopper ascends the flights.

There is, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may
choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go
back down except to exit the building.

So a woman goes to the shopping centre to find a husband.

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men have jobs.

The woman reads the sign and says to herself, "Well, that's better than
my last boyfriend, but I wonder what's further up?"

So up she goes.

The second floor sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids.

The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further
up?" And up she goes again.

The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking.

"Hmmm, better" she says. "But I wonder what's upstairs?"

The fourth floor sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and
help with the housework.

"Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there must be more
further up!" And again she heads up another flight.

The fifth floor sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking,
help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak.

"Oh, mercy me! But just think... what must be awaiting me further on?"
So up to the sixth floor she goes.

The sixth floor sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 3,456,789,012 to this floor.

There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that
women are impossible to please.

Thank you for shopping at The Husband Store and have a nice day. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

sisig a perfect pulutan

last week i was invited agaon by my boyfriend's family to a beach outing somewhere in toledo. thinking what to share(though i'm not asked to contribute anything, made
me really really excited...

since we will be on a beach it is for sure that drinking session is gonna happen. there was no occasion by the way to celebrate for. they were just merely persuade by a 4 year old son of my late-brother in law to be. upon request by this mischievious-smart kid, my in laws to be decided to have a beach outing. so there was I, thinking what to contribute. sisig popped up into my mind yes, cause it is one of the best PULUTAN.. and so i went to SM to buy meat (usually pig's ears and mask, mayonaise, butter, red hot chilli pepper, onions etc... im guilty enough to admit that i don't know how to cook sisig.. so, i ask help from a reliable source to come to my rescue, the internet..

1 kilo kilo Pork
1/4 cup grilled liver (diced)
2 small onions (minced)
2 pieces red pepper (minced)
1 head garlic (minced)
6 pieces hot chili pepper (minced)
2 tablespoons oil
1 cup vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons liquid seasoning
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon brown sugar

1. Grill Pork head for to remove hair.

2. Boil Pork head until tender.

3. Take out all the meat and dice.

4. In a sauté pan, heat oil and sauté garlic, Onion, red pepper, Pork meat and liver.

5. Season with liquid seasoning, black pepper, and brown sugar.

6. Add minced chili pepper last.

7. Serve on a sizzling plate with fresh egg on top.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

oh!!! enrollment blues....

i was so frustrated last saturday having thinking that i won't be able
to finish the enrollment process. it rained very hard in the morning,
it looks like it will never stop and just keep on pouring the whole day.
by the way i slept at my boyfriend's house which is about almost 2 towns
down south of Mandaue City where i live. We woke up at around 6 am in
the morning because i don't want to be late on my appointment for that
day. I know i will be on a serries of "lining steps" whole day at
school. it was drizzling already and was not thinking that it's gonna
be a wet morning. since there was still enough time, so, we just stayed
in bed and have some chit-chat and talk about perennial sweet nothing
till we've noticed that our stummies were both starving. i checked the
time and it was already 9am in the morning. we got up and search
something to eat on the fridge. i grabbed the yellow plastic that has
food containers on it. we brought that from my house that i cooked for
him. the garlic rice was frozen; the chicken halang-halang was coated
with white frozen oil; the chicken kebab is as solid as a wood; the
pork adobo and fried fish were frosted. i don't if it's true with
others, but when it is raining i always have the appetite to eat a lot
and with the food on the table i could not think about my diet plans no
more! i was moved by a certain power to sit on the chair and head on
eating. my boyfriend was just watching while i emptied the container
with garlic rice. we chatted, again and forgot about the time. and the
rain stopped, and i just remember my appointment on that day! gosh!
quickly jump from my seat and blamed him for keeping me on the
conversation so stoked. i took a bath and have him punished by making
as guard outside. hehehhehehe!!!!!

he sent me to the jeepney stop. i arrived at school at around 12 pm. was
so worried about not being able to enroll in this second semester. i
finished the whole process at around 4 pm. And i will literaly say that
I'M HUNGRY like i was never before. i learned a lesson. i should be
more time-conscous more... heheheh!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

baby don't come to me yet...

i'm not actually worried of getting pregnant not in time. but just to make sure that my baby won't come out without me having enough fonds, here's some of the methods i've research that might be helpful for you also..


The calendar method attempts to predict ovulation using a woman's menstrual history. By keeping a written record of each cycle, you can determine when you're least likely to conceive.

Effectiveness rate. The typical effectiveness rate among users of the calendar method is 87 percent. This means that 13 out of 100 women practicing this method for one year will get pregnant. The calendar method isn't dependable if your cycles vary in length.

Side effects and health risks. The downside of using the calendar method is the requirement for prolonged abstinence or use of barrier methods and the need to monitor your cycle for several months before using the method. This method doesn't protect against STDs.

How to use the calendar method. If you decide to use the calendar method, you'll calculate which days you're likely to become pregnant. During that time, abstain from sex or use barrier methods. Here are some tips for using this method:

Keep a record of the number of days in each cycle, counting from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period. When bleeding starts, circle that day.
Check your record of previous months, find the shortest cycle and subtract 18 from the total number of days. For example, if your shortest cycle is 26 days, 26 - 18 = 8.
Starting with the day that you circled, count ahead eight days and draw an X through that day. That's the first day you're likely to be fertile. That's also the first day to practice abstinence or use barrier methods.
To find the last day you're likely to conceive, subtract 11 days from your longest cycle. If your longest cycle is 30 days, 30 - 11 = 19. Starting from the first circle, count ahead 19 days and draw an X through that date. That's the last day you need to practice abstinence or use barrier methods.
Keep a cycle record for at least eight of your cycles before relying on this method. You must not be using hormonal contraception while you keep these records.

Cost and availability. Using the calendar method costs nothing, but classes that teach this technique may charge fees, which vary from region to region.


Who Can Use the Standard Days Method?
The standard days method is most effective for women who have cycles between 26 and 32 days long. It is estimated that it takes about 5 hours to properly learn to use the standard days method, and it is recommended that you first meet with a trained counselor to be sure you understand this technique before using it.

How to Use the Standard Days Method
To use the SDM you will need to count the days of your menstrual cycle, starting with the first day your period begins.

Count the first day of your period as day 1.
On days 1 to 7 you are not fertile and can have unprotected intercourse. (Provided neither partner has an STD, it is medically safe to have sex even while menstruating!)
On days 8 to 19 you must avoid sex or use a barrier method if you do not want to get pregnant.
From day 20 until your period starts you can have unprotected sex.
Most women who use this method use special color-coded beads called CycleBeads to help keep track of where they are in their cycles. The figure below shows a set of cycle beads used for the standard days method.

Effectiveness of the Standard Days Method
Although the perfect use failure rate is only 5%, the typical failure rate is 12% per year. This rate will be higher for women who have sex during the fertile time, even if using another method of birth control during that interval.

Benefits and Limitations of the Standard Days Method
Because this method is completely natural it addresses the needs of diverse populations with varied religious and ethical beliefs. It also provides an effective alternative for women who want to use natural methods for medical or personal reasons. Other advantages of standard days method include the ease of use, low cost, and complete lack of side-effects and health risks. The standard days method does not offer any protection against sexually transmitted disease.

i think i'm pregnant.....

hi, i am more excited than worried... if u think u are preggy... here are some evidences that will tell thta you are really pregnant.

The 1st Trimester Stage of Pregnancy

Changes in Your Body

During the first three months of pregnancy, or the first trimester, your body undergoes many changes. As your body adjusts to the growing baby, you may have nausea, fatigue, backaches, mood swings, and stress. These things are all normal.

Most of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses. And some women might not feel any discomfort at all! If you have been pregnant before, you might feel differently this time around. Just as each woman is different, so is each pregnancy.

As your body changes, you might need to make changes to your normal, everyday routine. Here are some of the most common changes or symptoms you might experience in the first trimester:


Many women find they're exhausted in the first trimester. Don't worry, this is normal! This is your body's way of telling you that you need more rest. After all, your body is working very hard to develop a whole new life.

Try these tips to ease exhaustion:

Get at least eight hours of sleep every night, and a nap during the day when possible.
When you are tired, rest or relax.
Start sleeping on your left side. This will relieve pressure on major blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. If you have high blood pressure during pregnancy, it is even more important to be on your left side when you are lying down.
If you feel stressed, try to find a way to relax.
Nausea and Vomiting

Usually called "morning sickness," nausea and vomiting are common during early pregnancy. For many women, though, it isn't limited to just the morning. Although it can seem like it will last forever, nausea and vomiting usually go away after the first trimester.

Try some of these tips to help prevent and soothe nausea:

Eat frequent, small meals (6 to 8 small meals a day) rather than 3 large meals. Avoid fatty, fried, or spicy foods.
Try eating starchy snacks, like toast, saltines, cheerios, or other dry cereals when you feel nauseated. Keep some by your bed and eat them before you get out of bed in the morning. If you feel nauseous in the middle of the night, reach for these starchy foods. It's also a good idea to keep these snacks with you at all times, in case of nausea.
Try drinking carbonated drinks like ginger ale or seltzer water in between meals.
Ask your doctor if you should change prenatal vitamins if it seems to be making your nausea worse. Sometimes taking your prenatal vitamin at a different time (e.g. at night not in the morning) can also help.
Ask your doctor about taking vitamin B6 for nausea and vomiting that doesn't get better with dietary changes.
If you think you might be vomiting excessively, call your doctor. If you lose too much fluid you might become dehydrated. Dehydration can be dangerous for you and your baby.

For some women, the nausea of the first trimester is so severe that they become malnourished and dehydrated. These women may have a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). HG refers to women who are constantly nauseated and/or vomit several times everyday for the first 3 or 4 months of pregnant.

HG keeps pregnant women from drinking enough fluids and eating enough food to stay healthy. Many women with HG lose more than 5 percent of their pre-pregnancy weight, have nutritional problems, and have problems with the balance of electrolytes in their bodies. The persistent nausea and vomiting also makes going to work or doing other daily tasks very difficult.

Many women with HG have to be hospitalized so they can be fed fluids and nutrients through a tube in their veins. Usually, women with HG begin to feel better by the 20th week of pregnancy. But some women vomit and feel nauseated throughout all three trimesters.

Frequency of Urination

Running to the bathroom all the time? Early in pregnancy, the growing uterus presses on your bladder. This causes frequent urination.

See your doctor right away if you notice pain, burning, pus or blood in your urine. You might have a urinary tract infection that needs treatment.

Weight Gain

During the first trimester, it is normal to gain only a small amount of weight, about one pound per month.

Changes in Your Baby

By the end of the first trimester, your baby is about three inches long and weighs about half an ounce. The eyes move closer together into their positions, and the ears also are in position. The liver is making bile, and the kidneys are secreting urine into the bladder. Even though you can't feel your baby move yet, your baby will move inside you in response to pushing on your abdomen.

Doctors Visits

During the early months of pregnancy, regular doctor visits (prenatal care) are especially important. Become a partner with your doctor to manage your care. Keep all of your appointments-every one is important!

During the first prenatal visit, you can expect your doctor or nurse to do the following:

ask about your health history including diseases, operations, or prior pregnancies
ask about your family's health history
do a complete physical exam
do a pelvic exam with a Pap test
order lab tests
check your blood pressure, urine, and weight
figure out your expected due date
answer your questions
1st Trimester Tests and Procedures

For special genetic or medical reasons, you may need other lab tests, like blood or urine tests, cultures for infections, or ultrasound exams in the first trimester. Your doctor will discuss them with you during your visits.

The most common tests recommended in the first trimester include:

Nuchal Translucency Screening (NTS)

This new type of screening can be done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. It uses an ultrasound and blood test to calculate the risk of some birth defects. Doctors use the ultrasound exam to check the thickness of the back of the fetus' neck. They also test your blood for levels of a protein called pregnancy-associated plasma protein and a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Doctors use this information to tell if the fetus has a normal or greater than normal chance of having some birth defects.

In an important recent study, NTS found 87% of cases of Down syndrome when done at 11 weeks of pregnancy. When NTS was followed by another blood test done in the second trimester (maternal serum screening test), 95% of fetuses with Down syndrome were identified.

Like all screening tests, the results are sometimes misleading. In 5% of women who have NTS, results show that their babies have a high risk of having a birth defect when they are actually healthy. This is called a false positive. To find out for sure if the fetus has a birth defect, NTS must be followed by a diagnostic test like chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis.

NTS is not yet widely used. If you are interested in NTS, talk to your doctor. If she is unable to do the test, she can refer you to someone who can. You should also call your insurance company to find out if they cover the cost of this procedure. NTS allows women to find out early if there are potential health problems with the fetus. This may help them decide whether to have follow-up tests.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

CVS is performed between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. In CVS, the doctor inserts a needle through the abdomen or inserts a catheter through the cervix to reach the placenta. The doctor then takes a sample of cells from the placenta. Experts use this sample to look for problems with the baby's chromosomes. This test cannot find out whether your baby has open neural tube defects. About 1 in 200 women have a miscarriage as a result of this test.

Questions in my Finals

1. Enumerate the Philo-sociological views pointed out in the films you
have watched; and explain how were these views expounded about the
existence of man and God.

a. The Emperror's Club: People make mistake to learn, a
person become a failure when he cannot get up from our mistakes.

I'd like to point out the scene when Mr. Hundert change the result
of the final exam. - This manifest the differenec between man and God,
Mr. Hundert is human so he made mistakes. God positioned the brain above
all other organs so that we can weigh things rationally, but Mr. Hundert
was not objective. After the revelation, he considered himself as a
failure; however, God teaches us to forgive people by forgiving ourself.
People may commit mistakes but God, is always be there to forgive us.

b. Gandhi: I like the view of Gandhi against the inquisitor,
Britain. Human is not designed to be perfect, we have our strenghts and
weaknesses. Through the many trials we may find ourselves laying flat on
the ground, but their will always be a light that gives us hope. Gandhi
believe in the existence of God in the middle of sufferings, he beleive
that there an indefinable mysterious Power that pervades everything. He
said, "I feel it, though I do not see it. It is this unseen Power which
makes itself felt and yet defies all proof, because it is so unlike all
that I perceive through my senses. It transcends the senses. But it is
possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent." I can
relate this to the Footsteps on the sand -- that during the times of
trouble we there was only set of footprints; during those times, that
when God carries us.

2. Explain the principles taught by Lao Tze, Confucius, Buddha, Gandhi,
and Jesus Christ about Social unrest agianst Peace, Human Suffering and

> Lao-Tze's - his principle is Taoism, the "Way" of life.
It is
the natural order of things. It is a force that flows through every
living and sentient object, as well as through the entire universe. When
the Tao is in balance it is possible to find perfect happiness. For me,
it is most likely a struggle of finding the inner balance. And when it
is achieved, the person will also achieve peace, and human sufferings
will not be experienced because he/she is contended to live a simple
life together with nature.

> Confucius - It focuses on human morality and right action. Just by
understanding the first sentence by heart, Confucius significantly means
peace. We can achieve peace when people act accordingly and embrace the
law of morality. In governments, in order to govern others one must
first govern oneself. When developed sufficiently, the government's
virtue spreads beneficent influence throughout the nation. And people
live in a peaceful life, free from human sufferings.

> Buddha - what i understood, a person has to meditate and talk to
himself, this will help people understanding the true nature of
phenomena, thereby escaping the cycle of suffering and rebirth.
Buddhism's goals are: achieve Nirvana, renunciation of the worldy
matters, and the cultivation of wisdom. Peace is achieved when a person
reached Nirvana where he escaped the cycle of sufferings and rebirth and
encompasses the road of holy life.

> Gandhi - advocates NON-VIOLENCE. He said " In its dynamic
condition means conscious suffering. It does not mean meek submission to
the will of the evil-doer, but it means the pitting of one's whole soul
against the will of the tyrant. Working under this law of our being, it
is possible for a single individual to defy the whole might of an unjust
empire to save his honour, his religion, his soul and lay the foundation
for that empire's fall or its regeneration." The statement can be
summarized: Peace is achieved without the violence.

> Jesus Christ - one of the principles of Jesus taught to his
disciples is forgiveness. The world is full of chaos: inside the
family; in the community; ans amongst countrymen. In the government that
we have today, politicians constantly bombard bad publicity agiants one
another. And this maximized the sufferings of the poor who are much
affected. If everybody is just as forgiving as jesus, we will have
peace and harmony not only in our hearts and the people around us. And
all else follow including human sufferings will also be elimianted.

3. Explain what has insurgency or terrorism brought to the ideals of man
and society.

> The word terror means an instance that causes fear or anxiety.
Terrorism has brought great impact to man and society. The witnesses
will experience substancial stress due to the experience that they went
through. In a certain area for example, the people will no longer be
productive and will only be able to recover in a long period of time.
Families are afraid when one family member is outside the house.
Children can no longer play, and everyday when adults go to work the
place will keep them reminisce the incident. This does not only affect
the people in the immediate location but also to the whole society.
Clearly the media plays a critical role in the aftermath of a disaster.
The media provides needed information, makes announcements, and gives
instructions regarding services that are available to victims and their
families. They are a resource for the community and can provide a source
of hope. However, too much trauma-related television viewing may have a
negative impact, especially on children.

4. Explain how relevant is studying Philo-social Foundation to you being
a Language teacher?

> Studying Philo-social foundation is relevant not only to Language
Teacher but as well as being a Science teacher. Language teachers or
science teachers, have the opportunity of teaching foreign students who
do not use English as a second language. Most of the students are
Koreans and Japanese( for ESL teachers), and we already know that they
have their own beliefs, religions and philosophies in life. With
philo-social foundations, language teachers will not only know how to
deal the different personalities of the students but also understand
their culture and beliefs. One good thing about Philo-social foundation
is, it will allow students to understand ourselves more; allow to
examine what belief or philosophy influenced us.

oriental philosophies


What it's all about? > Is a moral philosoply/ religion
base upon the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.
> Buddha (from the
ancient Indian Languages of pali and Sanskrit) means "one who has
awakened". It is derived from root
budh" meaning " to
awaken" or to be enlightened.

Beliefs / teachings > Liberation from suffering may come by
training the mind and acting according to the laws of karma i.e. with
the right
action, good things
will come to you.
> Basic Teachings:
Three Marks of Existnce; The Four Noble truths; The five Stratas; The
six Realms; The Eightfolds paths

Words of Wisdom: > It is proper fopr you to doubt... do
not go upon report.. do got upon tradition.. do not go upon hearsay
> No to do any evil, to
cultivate the good, to purify one's mind, this is the Teaching of the
> By endeavor, diligence,
discipline and self-mastery, let the wise person make (of himself) an
island that no flood can


What it's all about? > Is one of the great religions /
philosophies of Ancient China. It was adopted as a state religion of
China, with Lao Tzu

honoured as a diety.
> Lao Tzu. He was a
contemporary of Confucius and wrote a book called the Tao Te Ching,
composed some time between
the sixth
and third century centuries B.C.

Beliefs / Teachings > Tao can be defined as path or road. The ways
of Tao is the way of Nature and ultimate reality.
> Believe in yin-yang:
yin the negative element and yang the positive element

Famous Qoutations > If people do not revere the Law of
Nature, It will inexorably and adversely affect them.
If they accept it with
knowledge and reverence, It will accomodate them with balance and
> Being one with Nature,
he is in accord with the Tao. Being in accord with the Tao, he is


What it's all about? > Confucianism means "The School of
Scholars"; or, less accurately, "The Religion of Confucius") is an
Asian ethical
and philosophical system
originally developed from the teachings of the early Chinese sage

Beliefs/ Teachings > Confucianism is a "code of conduct"
> His way to please God or the
gods is through a "good conduct" with your family, neighbors, and
society... if you are a
good person,
God is going to like you, as we already commented in Taoism.
>Confucius said: A virtuous
man has three awes:
1- Awe
for Heaven's decree,
2- Awe
for great men.
3- Awe
for saints' words... When worshipping God, one must feel as if He were
visibly present.

Famous Qoutations > Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first
> I am not one who was born in
the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity,and
earnest in seeking it there.
> Everything has its beauty but
not everyone sees it.


What it's all about? > The word Hindu is derived from the
river Sindhu, or Indus. Hindu was .primarily a geographicall term that
referred to India or to a
region of India (near the
Sindhu) as long ago as the 6th century BC.
> Hindus themselves prefer to
use the Sankrit term sanatana dharma, "moral order", "duty"
and " right
> Hindus believe in: Brahma -
corresponds to the creative spirit form which the universe arises;
Vishnu -corresponds to the force of
order that sustains the
universe; Shiva - corresponds to the force that brings a cycle to an

Beliefs / Teachings > The Hindu acknowlegde that there are many
paths by which people may seek and experience religious understanding
direction. It also claims
that every individual has the potential to acchieve enlightenment.


What it's all about? > "the way of the GODs:, originating in
prehistoric times and occupying an limportant national position for long
in the history of Japan,
particlularly in recent times
> kami means God or deity, or sometimes
> it's characteristics is a great love
and reverence for nature in all it's forms and for natural artifacts and
processes. Shinto is about
expressing one's own love of the
natural landscape of Japan and the people and spirits that reside within

Beliefs / Teachings > Absolute Universal Self is not affected by
the spiritual and the material. the invisible and the visible, the real
and the ideal.
> Absolute loyalty to the Sovereign
Emperor, who is regarded as a direct descendant and representative of
God, respect for ancestors,
profound feeling of piety towards
the parents and love for children form the fundamenta structure of the
great Universal Way.
> The Mirror, the Sword and the Jewel
symbolize wisdom, courage and benevolence or intelligence, will and

Famous Qoutaions > The heart of the person before you is a mirror.
See there your own form.
> Even the wishes on an ant reach to
> Leave the things of this worl and come
to me daily with the pure bodies and pure hearts.
> A single sincere prayer moves heaven.
You will surely realize the divine presence through sincere prayer.


What it's all about? > tha jain Philosophy bases its doctrine on the
absolute necessity of conquering the lower nature form the realization
of Truth.
> Jain or jaina means a follower of
Jina which applied to those people who have conquered the lower nature,
passion, hatred etc.
> There are six real substances which
constitute the world: space, time, matter souls, Dharmastikaya (fulcrum
of motion) and
and Adharmastikaya (fulcum fo
stability or rest).
> The Jains worship there liberated
souls ( tirthankaras) who have destoryed all karmas and attained
salvation as thier God.

Beliefs / Teaching > Janism believes that whole universe can be
divided into categories:Jiva ( soul) and Ajiva (non-soul). There are
seven propositions
called seven tattvas or realities in
= Jiva (Living
Substance)- there is something called the living.
= Ajiva (matter
or non-living) - there is something called the living
= Asraya ( the
influx of karmic matter) - the living and nonliving come in contacta
with each other
= Bandha (
bondage of soul by karmic matter)- the contact leads to the production
of some energies
= Samyara ( teh
stopping of Asyara) the process of thi0s contact could be stopped
= Nirjara ( the
gradual removal of karmic matter) - the existing energies could also be
= Moksha ( the
attainment of perfect freedom or salvation) - salvation could be

Quotations > Right faith is the belief that the Jaina
Tirthankaras are the true God, the Jaina Sastras are the true scriptured
and the jaina
saints are the true
> Right knowledge reveals the nature of
things as it is and with certainty.
> Right conduct is the Jain ethics.


What it's all about? > Christianity is based upon the teachings of Jesus

, a Jew who lived his life in the Roman province of Palestine.
> Christianity believes in one God, while
the central figure in Christianity is Jesus

(or Christ), a Jew who came into this world by
immaculate conception to a virgin
named Mary

. His birth is celebrated at Christmas

with hymns and gift giving. It's believed
that Jesus was not only man, but also
the son of God and lived his life without sin.

Monday, September 29, 2008

12 hours around Bohol

last saturday, i was absent from my 2 other classes for the first time. which rarely happened.. if it was just any regular saturday school day, i wouldn't be out of class. i was absent because, i went on tour around bohol as a special requirement for our advance earth science class. the whole went like this: i woke up at around 3am and ride a cab to pier 3 after an hour. the ship departed at 6 am. i was so excited even though it was such an ordeal for me being on board on that ship. it swayed from time to time as it was hit by big the waves and caused me nausea. after 2 hours the sand of the island is sparkling with whiteness, and the harbor can already be seen meters away. yehey!! bohol i'm coming! i went off board and ran to the end of the gate where our van is waiting for us.

let's start the journey. my clasmates and i spent 12 hours tracking just to see some of the most spectacular sceneries there. first off, we went to sagbayan peak where it's some kind of a park built on top of the a hill, it has statues of some disney characters like snowhite, donald duck and duffy duck and even a-once hollywood queen manilyn monroe.
overlooking below is a 5 sq meter terrarium where tarsiers are housed. i took some pictures of the very shy primates. they are at bout the size of my knuckles and some slightly bigger than that. one! two! three! there you go! i got a picture of the cutest primate on earth a pride of not only Boholanos but also the Filipino people.

after feeding my hungry tummy, our group went up north, to carmen where the famous chocolate hills is proudly mounting to the world, the wind was so restless playing with my hair and the soothing smell brought inner peace at that time. wow!

breathtaking scene, atlast we arrived at the famous chocolate hills by 11 am. as i climbed up the stairs i felt im walking through the stairs of heaven. reaching the peak is a rewading feeling. there were a lot of tourists; local and international. i took some pictures, zooming and zooming out my little camera phone like a pro.

since the time was so limited, we immediately travel down west and entered a very shady cold place called the manmade forest. it's like a small rainforest of the Philippines. the penetration of the sun's light is almost zero. the people of bohol are really particular with their environment. i can say that they are because unlike any other provinces each of the islanders are very disciplined and very watchful in the preservation of their manmade forest.

the ininerary of our tour does not only stop there, after stopping at a local restaurant for lunch we went straight ahead the cool and calm waters of loboc river.

what were spectacular and interesting there, were the floating restaurants. it's like a small house having party all the time while it cruised the 2 km river back and forth.

after the loboc river, we visited the oldest church there in alburquerque, then drop by at the blood compact shrine of Legaspi and Rajah Soliman.
i did a cholochial pose at Legaspi 's back while i hold his legs.

it was already mid-afternoon and we need to cath up a ship. we only have 5 hour more left and the next stop is about an hour away, the hinagdanan cave. but because traffic is not prevalent in the province we got there on time. it was a small cave found underground . it was called hinagdanan because there were stairs built on its way down, that's where it got it's name. the place was very cold; slightly dark; bat caves were also there; it has a natural swimming pool so inviting. but unfortunately, i don't have any extra clothes with me so was not able to have the oppotunity of splashing into the cold waters of the cave. bohol can only be travelled in one day.

the 12-hour travel is a very amazing experience. i'm looking forward to savor another of this travelling in another location, negros perhaps, is a wonderful place to explore!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I, the moaning agent

being in a call center industry, it is our job to sound perky in our calls. I started as a senior representative last april 2007. the job opened alot of opportunities for me to discover talents i have never imagined i have. the first time i was able to listen my voice on a recorded conversation was so gawky. i have a different quality of voice; it's darker than a regular female's voice. it's not modulated, totally far form how i talk with my customers on the phone now.

on my third month, due to some uncontrollable factors, there are times that my calls are long. it's a no-no in our metrics, because that will affect my aht (average handling time). we are only allowed 10 minutes to finish the call to accomodate great number of customers per day. and some of my calls are beyond 10 minutes; our tier 2 people has to listen to us to know what's goin on and to help us solve the problem if it's a complicated issue. and as they listened my talent was unravelled gradually from one tier 2 agent to another.

what talent am talking about? i don't care if its a heck in your ass, but they have found out that i sound so sexy on the phone. i was not so sure how they classified voices but most of the people whom have listened to me would tag me as the "MOANING AGENT". i'm confuse. how would i react? shall i take it as a compliment or a negation? what is sexy and what is not? do i really sound like im moaning on the phone? i have listened to alot of people on the floor and how they talk to their customers is nonetheless the same as how i handle the call everyday.

in one way or another, sexiness in a voice is an ingredient to a very good conversation. but it's not equally important as how did you go about making the caller feel good about the conversation. it's a superficial thing, as a customer service provider, "experience" is most important. because moaning the doesn't help settling the customer's issue but in understanding the situation and by giving a perfect resolution to it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

movie review: the emperor's club

two weeks ago i watched a film with my classmates. it was a very touching movie fit for aspiring teachers and for people who holds idealism as a virtue.

The Emperor's club is an amazing movie that talks about a very idealistic teacher and his struggle to make his student's attitude change. The conflict started when a politician's son became one of his students. Mr. Hundert strongly believe that "A man's character is his fate,". He saw that Sedgewick Bell is exactly opposite to the ideal character that he'd like his students to be. Bell was a very a spoiled son of a senator. Despite his rebellious acts, Mr. Hundert sensed that there is still something good and intelligent about him. He tried to change the student's attitude by motivating him through a contest called, Julius Caesar Contest: The Emperor's Club. Bell showed some improvements on his scores until the last pre-qualifying exam for the Julius Caesar Contest. The final computation showed that Bell is 4th on the list with Martin Blythe preceding him by one rank. However, Mr. Hundert was not objective in making correct judgment about the results. He made Bell on the third place displacing Blythe. The contest happened with Mehta, Sedgewick, and Masoudi on the top three. At the contest the three boys were marvelous in answering every question thrown at them. However in the middle of the contest Mr. Hundert noticed that Bell was acting so strange. He found out that Bell was cheating and had proven it when Bell himself confided to him. And had proven for the second time that he had not change after 25 years when he asked for a rematch giving Mr. Hundert hopes and assurances that he is a well-dignified changed man.

Hundert found himself to be partly blame for Bell's misdeed. Was he right in his decision in favoring Bell than Blythe? Was he wrong? Mr. Hundert had his own good intention in making Bell to be on the top three finalist, however the end does not justify the means. He was deceived by Bell's action thinking that the kid had changed and thought that his influence will have a good effect. But what he discovered is the opposite. For me, He was right in believing that the kid had some intelligence somewhere and just waiting to be given a chance however, he was wrong in anticipating that the intelligence he sensed from the beginning will not be used in the wrong way. Bell was a born-cheater and he will live with it, and will grow with bended principles just like his father. The blood of the forebear will be one way the same blood with its fruits. Again, Mr Hundert was right in giving Bell a chance to prove to his father that he can compete with with anybody in an intellectual intramural. But then, Mr. Hundert was wrong in getting away Blythe's opportunity to be on the top three.

A teacher's responsibility does not only stop to give lectures to students. A teacher molds. A teacher guides yet the learning process depends on how the student respond to it. A teacher is human and thus, commits mistake. But despite the biases and the weaknesses that the teacher may have, a teacher must never give up. One mistake may affect a lot, nevertheless, a teacher should see the other side. Mr. Hundert was guilty of the crime however that mistake does not bear upon the many. Bell is the only black sheep in his class and only comprise a small percent. He should forgive himself and give himself another chance, and as a teacher we will also look into the good things that the many of our students had become.

According to Mary Pickford, “ If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling but the staying down.” Do not be afraid to commit mistakes because after all we are in an imperfect world. Mistakes are lessons in life. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. One cannot change the past but one has the power to change the future.

the mysterious cabbage water

this is actually my assignment, i was too tired to make one and so i researched on this in the internet; thanks to the following sites:



• to test household solutions with litmus paper
• to test household solutions using red-cabbage juice indicator
• to classify household substances as acids or bases
• to determine the pH range of red cabbage juice

Materials: (per group or station)

• Beaker of Red Cabbage Juice – (CHOP one large red cabbage into small pieces. Note: Blackberries, red onions, or even hibiscus flowers can be used as a substitute. SIMMER the cabbage pieces until the water turns a deep shade of purple. ALLOW the water to cool. REFRIGERATE when not in use.)
• Red and Blue Litmus Paper
• 6 Plastic cups
• Beakers of the following solutions: water, baking soda, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon juice, soda, etc...
• Plastic spoon
• black marker

Motivation: How can we determine if a solution is an acid or a base?
What is the color of an acid solution when tested with a litmus paper? What about the bases? (assuming that students was already introduced to the topic)

(draw series of idea from students, write their idea on the board).

Can we still get the same result when we use homemade acid-base detector?

Activity: Procedure
1. Label your plastic cups #'s 1-7
2. Choose one solution and pour a small amount into plastic cup #1.
3. Write the name of the solution in your data table.
4. Place a drop of the solution onto red and then blue litmus paper.

Record results

5. Add 1 - 2 tablespoons of red cabbage juice to the cup. Record color change.
6. Determine if the solution is a acid, base or neutral
7. Repeat with solutions #2-7.
8. Clean up. Pour contents into sink and throw out used cups.


Plastic Cup # Solution Red Litmus Blue Litmus Red Cabbage
Juice Acid/Base or Neutral
1 Water
2 Baking soda
3 Vinegar
4 Salt
5 Sugar
6 Lemon juice
7 Soda

Follow Questions:
1. Name the acids, name the bases, were there any neutral solutions?
2. What color did the cabbage juice turn to indicate a neutral substance?
3. Why is it important to use both blue and red litmus paper to determine pH?

Red cabbage water is an indicator of pH. Although it can't be used to determine exact pH, it can distinguish between acid (pH of 0 to 6), neutral (pH near 7), and base (pH of 8 to 14).

acid neutral base

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

In this activity:
• If the indicator turns the solution red or pink, the solution is an acid.
• A purple solution indicates that it is neutral, neither an acid nor a base.
• If the indicator turns the solution blue or green, the solution is a base.

Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________________


1: Which of the following statements is true concerning acids and bases?
acids and bases don't react with each other
acids mixed with bases neutralize each other
acids mixed with bases make stronger bases
acids mixed with bases make stronger acids

2: Which is the correct set of acid properties, as described by Boyle:
sour taste, corrosive, change litmus from red to blue
sour taste, corrosive, change litmus from blue to red
sweet taste, slippery, change litmus from blue to red
sour taste, slippery, change litmus from blue to red

3: Neutral solutions have a pH of:

4: Which is true?
pH of less than 7 is basic; pH of more than 7 is acidic
pH of less than 7 is acidic; pH of more than 7 is basic
5: Vinegar, fruit juice, and cola are examples of:
strong acids
weak acids
strong bases
weak bases

Assignment: What happens if two or more of the substances are combined? Once a solution has become green or pink, can you make it purple again?

Answers to the Assessment: 1: acids mixed with bases neutralize each other; 2: sour taste, corrosive, change litmus from blue to red; 3:7; 4: pH of less than 7 is acidic and pH of more than 7 is basic; 5: weak acids

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

holding into my last lifeline

today is my last day at work, and two days from now is our pay day! yehey!! you can say that i should be rejoicing right now because its only about two days. but unfortunately enough, i don't have the zeal to even come tonight because i don't have any money anymore, what is left right now is a 20 peso bill that i did not spend to make sure i can go home today without walking. im holding to this lifeline. its as if my 20 pesos is my lifeline. how will i survive tomorow and the day after that? i don't know if the people in the house have extra money to lend me some for im sure they're also tying their selves on crucial budgeting.

i don't know where i can borrow money from. i have asked alot of people already on the floor but everybody is having the same problem. i was not lucky enough to catch my supervisor before she went out. i could have lend me money juts for tonight.

i know that you can really agree on this that money is aleady a antique predicament we hear from people. i myself has experienced countless scenarous dealing with a thing-value. blame it to the man who invented the monetary system! we shouldn't be suffering from the deprivation of enjoying life without money. we shouldn't be feeling helpless without money in our pockets. we will not see the equivalent of a certain currency to another currency. and most of all we can still do barter change like bastering a spoon in lieu of paying your jeepney fare. life would not be such a complication if money is not a big thing to have without. people work to have money, people need money to eat and money makes people's lives convenient. in short money is everything. nobody can get away with it. we all don't have a choice but struggle to have money.

and now that i don't have the money to sustain me for two days, to whom will i run to? hope i can find a merciful being good enough to share his blessings. but i doubt, i mean who does not have problems right with money? everbody is outsmarted by it making poeple need them more than they need people to have them.

ooops, im dizzy have not eaten lunch yet. if i have powers, i will delete "money" from the pool of knowledge so that, if i don't have money to buy food i can just exchange can bread with a comb!!! hehehehe..

Monday, August 25, 2008

i cannot take the pressure

i feel like an idiot pressuring myself to make a blog at least once every week. but i've got my hands tied up with other stuffs so that made me so busy to even check my blogs and my other sites. i am going back to school, and take note for the past two weeks im having all my reports done and all my midterm exams taking place. it was a dreadful week and most of my time was spent if not work, sleep if not sleep facing the pc at ironics doing my report on geologic time and researching my take home midterm exam. i was so exhausted.

and now its my first day of the week at work, i landed with 43.78% last week on my stats so my supervisor jabbered me to work on my stats today. i tried my best and somehow got frustrated because i wasn't really making good calls. and now on top of that, i am thinking to really stop by at the pantry before i get off from the building to make a silly story about my life. it has been two weeks that i was not able to make a blog and as promised i should make at least one per week. im apparently, delayed for two weeks already. and so here i am. whoahh!!!!! i cannot take the pressure!!!! damned this ambitious self-claimed not-so-qualified writer!!
but everybody has the right to express oneself right? who cares if im using my blog as a way of expressing my sentiments and all the colorful ideas in my mind that's worth sharing. but whose fault is it? yeah know that its my will to write every week or not but i'd like to defend myself also as to why i'm doing this. i am doing this to make myself able to budget and manage my time and to cope up with all pressure from all sides.

i have written much already, i'd like to emphasized im not complaining at all. im just exercising my freedom of literally showing how idiot am i to put all the pressure on myself when all i can do is forget this blog. but like i said it has a purpose, though its not organize just as my thoughts are but im proud that i have lived the standards i have set for myself.

Friday, August 8, 2008

a view on self-interest

The identity of a person is determined through a lot of factors. As a social and rational being our behavior is greatly affected by the genes that we inherited from our ancestors and our surroundings. And as we learned to socialize with other people we acquire new traits and behavior both positive and negative. And getting the character into our system is either unintentional or intentional. It is unintentional in the sense that the person is forced to act that way because of some certain reasons. Thus, we cannot escape from showing our character or behavior in most situations. We have created a value for ourselves it might peculiar to some, and amazing for the many yet it's still depend on us on how we are going to use these values to our advantage. One of the most common Filipino values is "Self-interest". For me it is like a double-edge sword, it is so sharp that it can cut anything but if your not expert enough to use it, it can cut you in one slash. For years, this has become the source of corruption that continuously deteriorate man's philosophy. However, we might wanna consider why people have self-interest to begin with. What does it do good to them? And what makes it bad for them? First let us define "self-interest", it is regard for one's own interest or advantage, with disregard for others. It is undoubtedly good when self-interest is used to achieve something within our means. It is significantly bad if used beyond the walls of our morality and conscience. In a student's perspective it will make you become a competitive student in a negative way. He prefers to become selfish just to be on the top up to the point of bribing the teacher. Self -interest makes the student fame, it makes his friends admire him yet unknowingly he will be an honorable dishonor that is being on the top but unqualified. Many times even in elementary years, the children are already exposed to this scandalous agenda. So when they grow up they will carry the value wherever they will be and in whatever they do. Like for instance in an office, self interest can lead into corruption when your target is not achievable within the period of time that you set for yourself. There are a lot of employees aiming for one position, and to get that he/ she indulge himself/herself to moral perversion.

Self interest is common in people who desire to have a better life. I mean, who would not want to live a life of convenience? When does it become a negative factor? As self-interest intensifies, a person is no longer in control of oneself and thus, will be corrupted by its own ambition and desire to become great. He is oblivious of how he affected the people around him. When criticisms arrive,he will be in denial because he is too blind to accept what he have committed. And even if he is aware, he will still find ways to protect his interest up to his last stance. Thus, his interest will also be the reason of his downfall. One fact, many unscrupulous politicians who are happy to sell their names to be voted are under investigation and are impeached if proven guilty. What drives people to let self -interest to be the root of all corruptions? Everything associated with self-interest and corruption boils down to power, money and everything of their advantage. There are lots of reason why people still did it, but i will only emphasize three things. One is poverty. I think it's very obvious. People allow themselves to be used and overpowered by interest to survive poverty. Why? No further explanations,they need to. Next is power. People never find contentment and will always seek more to be above others. Because if you have the power you have the ability of controlling people. And last is money, it is the most significant aspect that drives people to let self-interest controlled them. Let's face it, it makes the world go round without it, life is like living without a lifeline. So we are left without a choice. How can we defeat the urge of submitting ourselves to our own "self-interest"? Do we always close our eyes in order for us not to see the truth? If people are only contented with what they have, satisfied with what they can achieve, and happy with how life blessed them, self-interest would no way be more powerful than ourselves. Live a frugal life. And as as a Christian, we should live our lives in accordance with God's plans and that is to follow his teachings and his commandments. By any chance, do we happen to realize that self-interest is not at all one of them?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

an addict in my representaion

a bout a week and a half ago, i was so bored and so disperate to force myself to sleep. the temperature is too high and all my sweat were pouring like spring out of my body. i got up and grab my guitar. i strum, then i created a cycle of chords. then i keep on humming as my left fingers shifted from one chords to another. it was so unexpected of me to think of a song that voices out the feeling of an someone disowned by the people's contructed norms.

within an hour, the song was already completed. i wrote it in tagalog because using the vernacular or the language of our own would make me feel the meaning of the song and if people listen to it, they would feel the veracity of the message it transpires.

i hope one of these days, i will have a video in you tube. and here it goes:

Biglang nagising
Sa mundo ng Patalim
Nakapikit, nangangapa
Ninais na mahanap
Ang liwanag na kay ilap
Kailan kaya, makikita
Ako'y pagod na
Buhay walang kwenta
Gusto kung magbago ngunit paano
Hinanap kita,
Inay nasaan ka?
'Kaw na gagabay
S'yang wala pa


Gusto kung tumakbo
Ngunit hinihigop
Pabalik sa buhay
Na usok ang kalaro
Naghanap ng kakampi
Hindi makaintindi
Kung sinong kailangan
Wala naman

Ako'y humiling
Na sana'y mahalin
Ako'y may puso
At damdamin
Kahit nawawala
Kami'y humihinga
Tingin sa 'mi'y hangal
Pero kami banal
Ayokong mamatay
Na kinamumuhian
Yapak ko'y 'wag susundan
'Do tutularan

Gusto kung lumayo
Sa buhay na kay gulo
Takas doon, taks dito
Parang isanf pusa
Hindi mamatay-matay
Ganyan talaga
Ang masamang damo

Mga kabataan
'Wag magpakalulong
Ang minsanang tikiman
"Di mapigilan
"Wag kayong maawa
Sa isang pariwara
Hanap ko'y
Kalinga at pang-unawa..

Friday, July 25, 2008

the music of love

Never need to say that i am sorry
i can see it in your eyes
they tell me you long for me
like it's been a thousand years
still my love for you is unconditional

you still mean so much to me
just say you love me
it's more than enough

come to me and forget everything
forget about the world
all we have is ourselves
feeling each other
no more worries
as we dance the music of love

you give me another life to live again
my sleepless nights will not haunt me
loneliness has finally
found its ending
your kisses, still taste like forever

when will i stop thingking of you
i keep controlling inside
but it's crying
out your name

come to me and forget everything
forget about the world
all we have is ourselves
feeling each other
no more worries
as we dance the music of love

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a coffin in my dream

never had i experienced a dream that was so spooky. last night's dream was the creepiest dream i've ever had. the picture was unclear. it was a fast pacing scene that i can't really tell what started it and where it started. as far as i can remember i was going home that time, i was so excited to get off from the bus that i wwas boarding. i ran to the house and as i dwell in the gate, i saw a coffin with candles on top. i shouted, and thought that inside it was my mom. i can't accept it. but when i look below it, i saw my mom soundly sleeping.

what does my dream mean?

everytime i think i about it, it gives me ghostbumps...

I looked up for the meaning of that dream and have found several people with the similar or, more or less the same scenario as mine. here are some of the answers i gathered:

A coffin may mean an ignorant man.House means a partner.
Cleaning a house means rescue from a sorow or asking forgiveness for sins, Contrite sins.



This dream symbol most likely evokes fear, but before making quick interpretations, carefully consider all of the details in this dream. The coffin could symbolize a lack of energy or vitality in the dreamer. It could represent the death of one stage of life and movement into another. (Not necessarily physical death! In fact, some cultures believe that if you see a person dead and in a coffin, he will most likely live a long and healthy life!) When dreaming about coffins, we may be contemplating the nature of the death experience and may access the state of consciousness that is attuned to the spiritual world. Most simply, and most likely, the coffin in your dreams may represent feelings of confinement and lack of freedom.

here is another interpretation:
Seeing a coffin might be a signal that you need to say goodbye to something that has died. If you dream of an empty coffin, it is a good omen which means that you will reach a ripe old age and shouldn't worry in vain. Seeing a dead body in the coffin: you are going to suffer some financial setbacks and losses. Seeing yourself in a coffin denotes that you will have a long, wonderful and healthy life.



I don't know where to stand. as long as my family is safe and my mom is happy, then there's no reason for me to dwell much on those meanings.